Senior Class Nominates Professors and Adjuncts of the Year
Professors Chaviva Levin, Alyssa Schuck and Robert Greenberg were named Professors of the Year for Yeshiva College (YC), Stern College for Women (SCW) and Sy Syms School of Business (SSSB), respectively. Additionally, Professor Maxwell Musser was named YC Adjunct of the Year, and Professor Francine Mellors-Rothenstein was named SSSB Adjunct of the Year.
The Professor of the Year awards, endowed by Dr. William Silber (YC ‘63) and his wife Lillian Silber, grants three annual gifts of $1,800 each to three faculty members from Yeshiva University’s three undergraduate schools each year. Additionally, as of last year, YC and SSSB both award Adjunct of the Year awards to part-time professors. All of the awards are decided by undergraduate seniors in yearly online votes that are administered by YU’s Office of Institutional Research & Assessment.
Professor Chaviva Levin, who was a Professor of the Year finalist last year, teaches Jewish History at Yeshiva College. This semester, she taught courses titled “Coffee & Creation of Modernity” and “Conversion to & from Judaism.” Professor Maxwell Musser, who was named YC Adjunct of the Year in 2018 as well, taught “Probability Theory” this semester after several semesters of teaching “Linear Algebra.”
“A well-deserved award for one of our most excellent and dedicated professors,” wrote Dr. Fred Sugarman, the Yeshiva College Associate Dean, in his email announcing Professor Levin’s award. “We thank [Professor Musser] for his dedicated and wonderful work on behalf of our students,” Dean Sugarman added.
Professor Alyssa Schuck (SCW ‘99), Clinical Associate Professor of Biology at SCW, has been on the faculty since the fall of 2006. In addition to her faculty position, she serves as the Director of the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women Fellowship Program at SCW. She taught “Microbiology” and “Microbiology lab” this past semester.
Clinical Associate Professor of Business Law, Professor Robert Greenberg (YC ‘81, Cardozo ‘84) taught “Ethical & Legal Environment of Business” and “Business Law” this past semester. Professor Francine Mellors-Rothenstein, Adjunct Professor of Accounting, taught “Principles of Auditing”, “Advanced Auditing” and “Business Communication” this past semester.
Previous Professor of the Year awardees include Professor Ari Mermelstein (2016 and 2018), Professor Daniel Kimmel (2017), Professor Gillian Steinberg (2012 and 2015), Professor Amish Khalfan (2014) and Professor Yair Shahak (2013). Though Mermelstein and Kimmel still teach at YU, Khalfan left YU in 2014 (right after receiving his award) after being denied tenure and Steinberg left to teach at SAR High School in 2015 after teaching at YU for 15 years. Shahak resigned in 2015 due to concerns about the educational state of YU, and its diminished Jewish Studies requirements in particular, as well as due to concerns about YU’s health plan for faculty.
Photo Caption: From left to right: Professors Chaviva Levin, Alyssa Schuck, Robert Greenberg and Francine Mellors-Rothenstein (Not pictured: Professor Maxwell Musser)
Photo Credit: YU News