Beren Election Results for Fall 2021 Released
The results of the Fall 2021 Beren Campus elections for Torah Activities Council (TAC) Vice President of Shabbat, Senior Vice President, Sophomore President and Sophomore Vice President were released to the student body in an email on Friday, Oct. 15 at 12 P.M. by the Beren Election Committee. Adira Barber, Ellie Berger, Hannah Aaron, and Amanda Poupko were declared new members of the student government.
Votes were cast through online ballots that were emailed to students on Thursday, Oct. 14 and counted by the Beren Election Committee. The positions of Junior Vice President, Freshman President and Freshman Vice President did not have a write-in candidate that received 10% of the votes — the minimum required to have a confirmed winner — and these positions are “currently being decided by the Beren Constitutional Council,” according to the email. There were no reported winners for the Katz Student Council President and Vice President positions. Of the 900 ballots sent out to Beren students, 353 were started and 311 were completed.
The polls were open on Oct. 14 between 9 A.M and 8 P.M. Students had to submit their intent-to-run form by Thursday, Oct. 7 in order to begin campaigning on Monday, Oct. 11. To be eligible to run, candidates for class council must have the requisite amount of credits to be considered in their respective class. They also must be enrolled as a full time student at Yeshiva University for both the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters, and be in good academic and behavioral standings with the university administration. The Office of Student Life is the arbiter of the Fall 2021 elections.
Many of the positions in SCWSC and TAC for 2021-2022 academic year were already filled in the Spring 2021 elections, as well as the senior and junior class presidents. Wilf campus elections for Fall 2021 were held last week and released on Oct. 8.
“I’m excited to welcome the winners to the student council!” said SCWSC President Talia Leitner (SCW ‘22). “I look forward to getting to know the new class council members and working together this year! Students should look forward to all the class programming coming this semester!”
The Beren Election Committee does not release the detailed breakdown of their elections. The following are the results of the Beren Campus elections:
TAC Vice President of Shabbat: Adira Barber
Senior Vice President: Ellie Berger
Sophomore President: Hannah Aaron
Sophomore Vice President: Amanda Poupko