“Rabbis In Training” (Vol. 1, Issue 10)
The Commentator proved a source of amazement to the Boston Jewish Advocate, the latter’s editorial in reference to it, a reprint of which may be found elsewhere on this page, was doubly inspiring to us.
In enthusiastically reflecting on the liveliness of the issue by citing the sports page in particular, the editorial sharply mirrors the current misconception of American Jewry concerning Yeshiva College.
To become an established American institution catering to the religious youth of this country, Yeshiva College must overcome the all-too-prevalent notion that it is an’ eastern anachronistic product transplanted artificially to a soil totally inimicable to it.
Surprisingly enough, more than any other college organization, the Yeshiva College basketball team has been instrumental in uprooting this misconception. Time and time again in its inter-collegiate encounters the stands were amazed at the presence of a Yeshiva my and after a few minutes of play proceeded to cheer on the Yeshiva quintet as if it were their own.
Though the new Yeshiva College catalogue discreetly forgets to mention the basketball quintet in favor of the supposedly more dignified chess and debating teams, we see no reason for this omission of one of the most popular extra-curricular activities.
In fact, we feel it would be no exaggeration to say that the student body as a whole is proud of its basketball team. We are proud of its accomplishments despite all technical handicaps.
But most of all are we proud that in Yeshiva, as nowhere else, athletics have become an integral part of student activities—not professionalized nor minimized—but ideally proportioned.