Health Service Has New Office (Vol. 1, Issue 8)
The Yeshiva College Health Service moved last week from the second floor office to larger and modernly equipped quarters on the fifth floor of Riets Hall in preparation for this winter’s sick students.
The new quarters contain among their modern conveniences a sick-room, fully equipped with lavatories, and such conveniences as signal buzzers. There is an ample supply of medicals, a sterilizing machine, and operating tables.
Other rooms in the hospital include a medical examination room, an office containing complete health records of those students examined, which will be used by Dr. Swick, director of the Health Service. A student member of the medical committee is to be a permanent resident of the hospital and will care for sick patients.
The medical committee has already examined the Freshman class and the new high school students. Plans are being discussed to raise funds to further enlarge the Health Service equipment.