Beren Independent Housing for Fall 2018 To be Offered at 35th Street Dorm Price
The Beren campus Office of University Housing and Residence Life has confirmed that the Independent Housing Program, which was initially launched as a solution to accommodate the overflow of students in need of housing on the Beren campus during the spring 2018 semester, will continue next semester at an increased rate. The apartments in the program next semester will be offered at the same price as those in the 35th Street Residence Hall, or $7,500 a semester.
Due to an increase in students in need of housing for the spring 2018 semester, the Beren housing office leased six apartments on 30 Park Avenue to accommodate the overflow, explained Becky Ciment, the Assistant Director of University Housing and Residence Life on the Beren Campus, in an email on behalf of the Beren housing office. Before the end of the fall 2017 semester, students were given the option to switch out of other dorm buildings and move into the new apartments for a semester while still paying the Brookdale standard rate, $4,075. At the time, it was unclear if the apartments would be offered again after the spring 2018 semester concluded.
“We have access to these new apartments in 30 Park Avenue for as long as we need them for,” stated Ciment. “Since these apartments are comparable to 35th street, the price for the apartments moving forward will be the same as for 35th street apartments.”
In an email to students before the start of the fall 2017 semester, the Beren housing office explained that housing on the Beren campus was filled to capacity. As a result, study rooms and lounges in Brookdale were converted to dorm rooms to accommodate more students. Additionally, some dorm rooms were converted from four-person rooms to six-person rooms by introducing bunk beds.
Evidently, the overflow in the spring semester was handled in a different way.
Originally, the apartments at 30 Park Avenue were chosen because of their “availability,” explained Ciment. “[The apartment building] was in close proximity to the other residence halls on campus and provided the most appropriate space to accommodate students.”
There are currently 28 students, including a Resident Advisor, living in five apartments at 30 Park Avenue. Each of the apartments are on different floors and each have a different layout. There are currently two apartments with three students, an apartment with four students, an apartment with five students, an apartment with six students, and an apartment with seven students. Students living in the apartments must abide by regular university housing rules.
Many students currently living in the Independent Housing Program report a high level of satisfaction.
Miryam Cohen, a Junior at Stern College for Women whose entire Brookdale room applied for the five-person apartment in 30 Park, said, “When else can we afford..the opportunity to live in an apartment on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan with a bunch of friends? I think that everyone who’s living here absolutely loves it. I feel more motivated and even it is enhancing my academic performance to be living in the apartment!”
“I think everyone likes the apartments so far, thank God. I haven’t heard anyone who doesn’t. If you hear, let me know!” remarked Yael Green, the RA in 30 Park.
However, none of those currently living in the apartments know if they will opt to live there again after this semester. Many are concerned about the raise in price next semester.
Ciment added that there has been an increase in students applying to Stern College who will be in need of housing. “As a University,” Ciment concluded, “we will accommodate the growing student body by offering them viable and varied options.”