YCSA Presidential Candidate Bios and Platforms
Tzvi Levitin
My primary goal as president of YCSA would be to propagate a sense of student control over the academic experience. Having spent two years involved in Yeshiva College student government (one year serving on the Honors Council and another year serving as YCSA Vice President), I’ve seen that the administration is open to involving students in the shaping of academic programs. In the past year, I’ve worked with YCSA to ensure students’ have had an impact on the revamp of the Core Curriculum, the introduction of new courses, and the creation of interdisciplinary minors. In my experience, I’ve learned that it’s about finding the right channels of communication; thanks to the relationships I’ve built with the faculty and deans of YC this year on YCSA, I’m confident I can keep those channels open and help students become stakeholders in their education not only in theory, but in practice as well.
Another goal of mine is to work with clubs on campus to brainstorm new ideas for events. Clubs should be about more than a slice of pizza and a movie, and I think broadening our horizons and looking beyond the YU campus for events could be a great way to enhance the extra-curricular student experience. There’s so much going on in New York City; opportunities ranging from science and technology to culture and the arts are abound, and students should be taking full advantage of YCSA’s funding to enjoy rewarding experiences with peers sharing similar interests.
A little bit about myself: I'm from Cleveland, Ohio, where I attended Fuchs Mizrachi followed by a year at Gush. I’m currently finishing my third year at YU majoring in Biology and minoring in Writing. I‘m involved with The Commentator, YUNMUN, the Writing Center, and START Science.
Elie Lipnik
For my entire life, I’ve been compared to Doogie Howser, well at least according to my mom’s friends. He was a child prodigy who played a 14 year old doctor on a television show during the 90’s. This comparison was not exactly because I’m brilliant, rather due to the fact that I have been the youngest at just about everything I have ever done (which has always been and even still is fodder for my friends and family to joke about). Leaving my quiet, Michigan suburban life at age 16, being the youngest has never stopped me; in fact, it has only motivated me to work harder to achieve my goals.
Now, as a junior majoring in Political Science, my young age has afforded me the ability to take advantage of all the opportunities YU has to offer, providing me with an unique perspective to the manner in which the university operates. I have been able to learn about and assist in correcting many issues on campus as the student liaison to the Office of the Registrar, Deans, and Provost on Student Life Committee. Moreover, I have been able to forge close and personal relationships with many faculty members as a news writer for The Commentator. As a member of the pre-law society, political science society, and Sharsheret club I have learned how to work as a team player and how to effectively coordinate programs.
As the president of YCSA, in addition to creating fun-filled and unifying events for all YC majors, I want to bring YU Marketplace to life. More specifically, for the first couple of weeks of each semester, I want to create a buy and sell bookshop for students to be able to efficiently acquire their school books without having to go online or to other third-party venders. In addition, I want to bring the current YC Liberal Arts Festival to the next level, by creating an elegant Evening of the Arts. This exciting event would attract and bring together all of the YC students and restore pride and spirit to the school. Besides, who doesn’t like to dress up for a night out on the town?
I may be young, but I am driven, dedicated, and passionate about making YU into a campus where students actually want to be and are excited to learn. With both my credentials and my innovative ideas, I believe that I can affect change and truly enhance the academic and social experience of students on campus. I am convinced that this is a turning point for Yeshiva College, and I want to be a pioneer of this transformation so that everyone’s voices can be heard and we can cultivate a brighter YU. A vote for Elie, is a vote for a commitment to build YU together.