By: Zachary Klestzick  | 

We Asked Y(O)U Answered: What Has Challenged You at YU?

As the vibrant halls of Yeshiva University become filled with enthusiastic students, the pursuit of success is often met with unforeseen obstacles. Students wrestle with inevitable contradictions in an environment where academic rigor intersects with religious values. We ventured to the campus of YU to see what trials have tested their mettle. Join us as we pry into students’ experiences and ask: What has been your most significant challenge at YU, and how does it continue to influence your path today?

Tani Engel (YC ‘25)

Major: Biology

“Coming into YU my first semester, I really had trouble balancing the religious studies with the secular ones and ended up crushing myself by staying up too late. But, over the last couple of semesters, I improved my time management and started going to sleep earlier, which made me feel much better both mentally and physically. As a result, I felt ready to tackle my work head-on and excel in shiur and class.”

Talia Feldman (SCW ‘26)

Major: English

“A big challenge at YU was deciding my major. It took me a long time to decide because of all the options, such as psychology, biology, and English. Even more difficult was making the major fit what field of work I pursued after college, even though I had no idea what I wanted to do. There was a lot of pressure from those around me to choose a path that would provide financial stability and a sense of purpose. Ultimately, I decided to major in English, specifically media studies, which is only offered on the women’s campus. It turned out to be the right choice — I’m really enjoying my classes and, rather than just getting through school, I’m actually having fun and looking forward to my upcoming courses. A major factor in my decision was the incredible English faculty on the women’s campus. They create a warm, welcoming environment and are always willing to sit down and discuss anything from papers to life advice and practical wisdom.”

Jonah Eisenberg (SSSB ‘26)

Major: Business Analytics 

“My most difficult challenge at YU has been the hectic schedule that induces anxiety about the upcoming day. I have learned to deal with it by making my schedule and managing my time effectively, especially with nighttime classes and night seder. I recognize many important things require my time and dedication, such as going to the gym, spending time with my wife, and trying to find a job for the summer. And each is important in its own right, so it’s about finding a way to do it all without sacrificing quality.”

Jessica Raksi (SCW ‘26)

Major: Biology

“My biggest challenge at YU has been trying to take advantage of all the awesome opportunities on campus, such as the clubs, all the shiurim and Jewish life, while also being fully present in my classes and still giving significant effort to my work outside of class. This has been challenging because of the double curriculum; I’ve had to take seven to eight courses per semester, making my schedule extremely packed and restricting my free time to focus on other things I care about. Now, being in my fourth semester at Stern, I have finally been able to reap the benefits of what YU has to offer. Although this challenge is still prevalent today, I have incorporated strategies to balance my obligations, allowing me to feel like I have been living the college experience while not slacking behind in my work.”

Yishai Yamini (SSSB ‘27)

Major: Finance and Business Analytics 

“My day-by-day struggles really come into play when I’m actively putting a significant amount of effort into school and, as a result of that, feel the pressure of having to get excellent grades. My primary motivation for this is to one day achieve my dream job, which is only possible if I keep up with the academic rigor. As time passes, I will develop better mechanisms to deal with the obstacles and enjoy my time here.”

Photo caption: Overtired student

Photo credit: Zachary Klestzick