By: Mijal Gutiérrez  | 

YU Acquires Wall Street Journal Subscription for Students and Faculty

The Yeshiva University library system has recently obtained an institutional subscription to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), which is available for all students, staff and faculty. 

The new subscription can be accessed by entering on a browser and creating a complimentary Wall Street Journal account. Once the account is created, it can be used for both the WSJ website and app. 

 “There has long been a need for access to the WSJ at YU,” Justin Thomas, public services and user experience librarian at the Pollak Library told The Commentator. “Besides personal interest from students, staff, and faculty, we have also long had students that are assigned to read the WSJ to complete class content — that it has been deemed essential for multiple courses.” 

Previously, the library provided access to the WSJ through Factavia, an online research tool managed by WSJ parent company Dow Jones, which, according to Thomas, was a "cumbersome process and not user-friendly." 

“But those days are gone now that we have our institutional subscription to WSJ,” said Thomas. "Now library users, be they students, staff, or faculty, can easily access the WSJ's content through their much more user-friendly website and app.”

In addition to the Wall Street Journal subscription, the YU library provides other resources as well. YU has recently signed up for and is currently trialing Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). This new subscription is a comprehensive nursing and allied health database, covering nursing, consumer health, biomedicine and 17 other health disciplines. 

Another resource available for students is the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive. The archive collects over 50,000  videotaped first-hand accounts by survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other 20th-century genocides, including the Cambodian, Rwandan and Armenian genocides. The archive, conducted by the Steven Speilberg-founded Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, also indexes the interviews by subject, data and time.  

Students told The Commentator that they appreciated the move by the University to purchase the subscription.

“I was elated to hear that YU is extending a free subscription to the WSJ for its students,” said Baruch Berger (YC ‘25). “Not only is it an important practical step for the broader political awareness of the YU populace, but it also is a symbolic step that inspires confidence that YU continues to recognize the importance of a broad, cultured and educated student body.”


Photo Caption: YU has obtained an institutional subscription to the WSJ.

Photo Credit: Philip Strong / Unsplash