UTS Running “Ben Torah in the Workplace” Chaburah This Month
Undergraduate Torah Studies (UTS) is running a “Ben Torah in the Workplace” chaburah each Wednesday this February, aiming to help prepare students entering the workforce for religious challenges they may face.
Meeting for lunch each week, the chaburah has already heard from YU Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yaakov Neuberger, as well as Noah Isaacs, a YU alumnus, in their first meeting last Wednesday. The chaburah is also scheduled to hear from YU Rosh Yeshiva Rav Herschel Schachter and Rav Aryeh Lebowitz, director of the YU semicha program, in addition to more YU alumni. The chaburah is planned to meet 12 p.m. in Glueck 418.
Chaburot dedicated to religious conflicts in the workforce, previously offered annually during spring semesters, have not been held since the pandemic, and have been reintroduced by Mashgiach Ruchani Rabbi Beni Krohn and Rabbi Elisha Bacon, assistant dean of UTS.
Krohn stressed the advantages of having students meet with both Roshei Yeshiva and alumni.
“The chaburah allows students to ask specific halachic questions to the Rebbeim and also hear practical tips from those doing it in real life,” Krohn explained to The Commentator. “The goal is that the professionals will give phone numbers to the guys so they can keep asking questions later.”
Given the fact that the vast majority of students in YU enter the secular workforce, many YU Mashgichim feel that sessions like these are needed.
“Most of our Talmidim are going into the workplace which raises a lot of halachic questions and questions about Avodas Hashem in general, whether it be finding time to learn or maintaining a connection with a Rebbe” stated Krohn.
The Ben Torah in the Workplace Chabura is part of an overall effort by UTS to help prepare students for post-Yeshiva life. Rebbeim and Mashgichim in YU are always available to advise students about these issues. In addition, there are specific courses YU offers on Halacha in the Workplace.
“Sometimes it is only after we leave Yeshiva that we realize how much Yeshiva can offer us to prepare for when we leave,” said Krohn. “This chaburah is just one example of that.”
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Photo Caption: Glueck Beis Midrash
Photo Credit: Sruli Friedman