Rabbi Soloveitchik Authors Philosophical Judaic Essays (Vol. 24, Issue 3)
Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, professor of Talmud at Yeshiva University, is the author of three essays soon to be released in a booklet series on “Studies in Torah Judaism,” announced Dr. Leon Stitskin, editor of the project and director of Community Relations at Yeshiva University.
The booklets, designed to offer a rational explanation of Judaism based on Biblical and philosophical sources, are being authored by noted rabbis educators and scholars.
“The Philosophy of Purpose” by Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva University, devoted to the philosophy of Judaism, its concepts and applications, was the first essay to be published.
Four Attitudes
Dr. Stitskin, in his introduction to the series, stated that its purpose is “to explore four primary areas around which revolved the essential structure of Judaism.” He lists various “attitudes”: our attitude toward the unknown; our attitude toward the revealed world; our attitude toward the people of Israel, and our attitude toward human personality.
Other booklets on the offing are: “Sabbath and Festivals In the Modern Age” by Dr. Emmanuel Rackman, associate professor of Political Science at the University; “The Kaddish-Man’s Reply to the Problem of Evil” by Rabbi Marvin Luban, spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Forest Hills, N. Y.; “Philosophic Foundations in the Bible,” by Dr. Stitskin; “The American Jew — A Sociological Study”, by Dr. Bernard Lander, director of the University’'s Bernard Revel Graduate School, and “The Ethics of Judaism,” by Gershon Churgin, professor of Hebrew and Jewish philosophy at the University.
Also, “The Bible as Interpreted by Rabbinic Literature,” by Dr. Samuel K. Mirsky, professor of Rabbinics. Yeshiva University; “The Stream of. Jewish History,” by Dr. Sidney B. Hoenig, director of the University’s adult education program and a professor of Jewish History; “Revelation at Sinai,” by Dr. Bernard Bergman, of New York City; “The Messianic Ideal,” by Dr. Solomon Wind, instructor of Bible and Jewish history at the University.