Make it a Habit (Vol. 62, Issue 3)
Over the course of the next two weeks, hundreds of editorials will be offered endorsing numerous candidates currently campaigning for political office. Though journalistic expedience would suggest that the Commentator endorse its own candidates, we feel that it is more important to emphasize a more fundamental issue — the vote itself.
For many students, this election represents the first time that they can participate in the political process. As a consequence of this inexperience, many may decide to shy away from the polling booths. However, apathy that results from unfamiliarity is inexcusable. Voting is an activity that should be embraced, not ignored simply because the process itself is foreign.
In fact, no reason can be given to justify not voting. The issues that separate the two candidates are clear. For the first time in many years the results of the election will drastically impact policy both at home and abroad. Issues such as welfare and tax reform, education, and the course of the peace process in the Middle East, will all be affected by the candidate who is elected to occupy the Oval Office.
With such important issues at hand, it is essential that you cast your vote.
In recognition of the importance of this election, the University administration has decided to cancel classes to allow students to vote. We implore students to take advantage of this opportunity and show up at their designated voting locations on November 5. Though it would be much easier to make use of the time off to catch up on some neglected schoolwork, push it off one more day and do something that will really impact your future. Get out and vote.