Library Growth Goes On As New Books Are Given (Vol. 2, Issue 12)
Several new collections of books have been added to the library since the recent acquisition of some six hundred volumes of source material on the World War, it was announced by Isaac Goldberg, Assistant Librarian.
Dr. Nathan Suesskind, former Yeshiva student and at present a member of the German faculty at City College, contributed a collection of German Classics containing over three hundred books. Included are the complete works of Heine, Gothe, Schiller, and Lessing in De Luxe editions.
Professor Otto Peterson, also of the C.C.N.Y. German. department, contributed a number of volumes, among which are autographed copies of some of his own works, “Schiller in Russland”, and “‘Embers of Old Russia”. It was rumored that Dr. Peterson intends to will his entire library to Yeshiva, but the rumors were neither confirmed nor denied. Samuel. L. Sar has also added to the German collection.
Dr. Liptzin, head of the Yeshiva German department, and chairman of the faculty Library Committee, in addition to his being instrumental in obtaining many of the donations, has been consistently bringing in his own contributions, which include some 100 volumes for the past few weeks.
Students also figured in the recent contributions which have added over a thousand volumes to the shelves within the past three weeks, and which are expected to add an even greater number during the next three weeks. “French Lyrics of the Nineteenth Century”, by Henning was given by Herbert Ribner ‘38. Max Halpert ’37 contributed his subscription to the Nation, and I. B. Rose his to the “Jewish Standard”.
A number of new purchases from the Student Fee Library Fund were also announced. These include a set of the “Cambridge Modern History”; “The Rise of Liberalism”, by Harold J. Laski; “The Greek Commonwealth”, by Eugene Zimmern; “The Tragic Era”, by Claude G. Bowers; and a complete set of Mark Sullivan’s “Our Times”.
It was emphasized that all works published by faculty members are not as yet available to the library, and this will be a center of work in the immediate future.
It was also emphasized that compared to the French and German sections the English Literature section is in sore need of expansion. It was stated that this department was expected to figure prominently in future expansion work.