Congratulations! (Vol. 1, Issue 13)
The appearance of two new printed publications within different departments of Yeshiva during the last month is one of the happiest signs we have noticed this year among the various student bodies of the institution.
Inaugurating the precedent with a small four page monthly newspaper, the high school student body saw its first printed news organ since the inception of the school.
Following close on its heels was the appearance of the Nir, a Hebrew newspaper released monthly and published by the student body of Beth Hamedrash Lamorim.
Startling as the introduction of a Hebrew publication was in Yeshiva, the style of the news columns and the vigor of the editorials have inspired the entire school with the realization of the dormant capabilities which have remained hitherto latent in the student bodies.
The ambitious plans of the editors of the Nir deserve particular commendation. One of the novel features of the paper will be the review of some pedagogical book in every issue for the benefit of those students intending to become teachers.
Both new publication will become set traditions in their respective student bodies, we earnestly hope. And especially confident are we that the influential positions these papers …[illegible]... occupy will be fully realized by a …[illegible]... leadership and the institution of …[illegible]... editorial policy in regard to …[illegible]... and school problems.