By: Commentator Staff  | 

Council Adopts Resolutions at Special Meeting (Vol. 1, Issue 7)

A special meeting of the Student Council was called last Thursday and the following important resolutions were adopted. 

Resolution 1: Whereas all extra-curricular organizations bearing the name of the Yeshiva College may be formed only through the sanction of the Student Council, no limitations on the activities or prerogatives of any such extra-curricular organization shall be binding except by legislation to that effect by Student Council. 

Resolution 2: All Yeshiva College student extra-curricular activities shall commence activities at the beginning of the fall term unless a specific time is stipulated for one or all organizations. 

Because of the difficulty students encountered in arranging for courses and programs with the administration, a curriculum committee of three members was formed. The duties of the committee will consist of arranging with the administration for new or old courses desired by a sufficient number of students. Another function of this committee will be to act as an intermediary between individual students and the administration in settling any difficulties the former may encounter. It was stipulated, however, that all cases taken up by this committee will be at their discretion and to be judged on the merits of each case.