In the Editor’s Mail Box (Vol. 1, Issue 8)
To the Editor of The Commentator.
Dear Sir:
The institution of a class in Greek was hailed by many Yeshiva College students this year as a very welcome addition to the college curriculum. Nevertheless, disappointment has followed in the wake of earlier satisfaction.
The uncertainty and postponement that marked the first several weeks of lectures served to dampen enthusiasm to no little degree. Change of instructors after the course had been inaugurated was not calculated to stimulate flagging zeal. However, after the appointment of Dr. Reinhold, the students of the class were reassured, and were looking forward to an intensive, profitable study of the Greek language. The scholarship of the instructor together with his wide teaching experience and pedagogic skill began to build on what had promised to be the ruins of an ill-fated venture.
Just at a time when the course was beginning to assume some semblance of stability, a third instructor has taken his place in this passing show of fleeting faces. Though the attainments of the latest instructor in the field of both Jewish and Secular scholarship merit our highest respect, his teaching experience has been limited and his pedagogy is yet unproved quality. It is both unwise and impractical, we feel, to experiment further with a course so important as is this one, at a time, when the course was about to be crystallized and to assume form. The entire class, without exception, has urged the retention of Dr. Reinhold.
That the latest addition to the department of Hellinic literature would be a most decided asset to the Hebrew and Talmudic departments of the institution is the unanimous opinion of everyone. That his appointment as instructor of Greek is as desirable, is less certain.
The plea of the students, I feel, should not be disregarded in this matter.
Morris Dembowitz,
President of Students’ Organization