Welcome (Vol. 1, Issue 6)
To the Class of 1939, as well as to all lower and upper classmen, The Commentator wishes to extend a hearty welcome. Although the official greeting is a bit later due to intervening holidays, the present moment is particularly apropos for a few words of advice to all incoming collegians.
The Class of 1939 is indeed a fortunate one. In contrast to previous classes which entered an institution practically bereft of undergraduate activities, students this term will find a host of organizations of every variety. Thanks to the leadership of last year's student adminisration a despondent and lethargic student body was whipped into shape and proceeded to set afoot in one inspired term more activity than the college had witnessed since its inception.
The most difficult step, that of getting things going, has already been accomplished. From now on, progress is downstream, so to speak, for with a good nucleus of organization already established, the more interesting and enjoyable stage, extension and development, is at hand. While activities in all older colleges have been hallowed with age allowing new members only to continue in the traditional vein, at Yeshiva the thrill of initiating precedents and novel ideas into young organizations may be enjoyed by every interested participant.
So to all newcomers, we earnestly advise — regulate your schedule to allow participation in any activities that interest you, thus not only relieving the monotony of daily classes, but also providing an outlet for creative activity. You will find that by indulging in extra-curricular activities your life at college will become more interesting while the bonds binding you to the ideals of Yeshiva will acquire a more powerful and intimate meaning.