The Senior Questionnaire (Vol.1, Issue 5)
The questionnaire submitted to the Senior. Class is most gratifying evidence of the fact. that our recent issues have reflected student opinion in an unprejudiced manner. That The Commentator has not been the voice of a handful of “irresponsible” students, who “mean well but are harming the institution” is obvious from the tabulation of the opinions submitted by the graduating class. The Commentator policy has been upheld on every fundamental issue. The graduates voted overwhelmingly for drastic revision of the College and. Yeshiva curricula, for the addition to the program of more Jewish studies, for the reorganization of the Yeshiva Hebrew department, for the postponement of the establishment of the School of Business Administration, for the admission to the institution only of those who qualify as students in one of the Hebrew departments — all of which The Commentator has been clamoring for during the past six weeks. This shows that the columns of The Commentator represented the crystallization of student opinion as expressed by those who are confident that the benefits that will result from this impression on the authorities of prevailing conditions far outweigh any possible harm that might accrue from our statements
Though William Randolph Hearst might be alarmed at the “radicalism” evidenced by the Senior Class, we greet it as the expression of a more active preoccupation with the social and economic problems confronting the modern world. The sane approach and liberal outlook that evidently characterizes this year’s graduating class …[illegible]...
Yeshiva College……[illegible]... proud of the Class of ‘35.