By: Emil Ghee  | 

Feline Triplets Grace Bio Lab (Vol.1, Issue 5)

(Being another of the peregrinations of the Zoological Editor.)

Students in the new Comparative Anatomy class enjoyed an interesting, if not-so-rare, scientific treat the other day at the laboratory. With bated breath eyes sparkling with the delight that comes of witnessing. a difficult feat skilfully accomplished, they watched the obstetrical performance of Dr. I. A. Tittler as he delivered a set of excellent triplets to a cat of unknown breed. It certainly was neither Angora nor Persian. Rather, we should hazard to say an admixture of black, striped, black-and-white and gray-and-tan — further pedigree doubtful. The operation was decidedly successful, theoretically speaking. 

Only one slight drawback prevented the world at large and the Comparative class in particular from enjoying the existence of another feline family on earth. This was, strangely enough, the fact that the arrivals were, unfortunately, no more in the land of the living. Nor is this very surprising. If the truth must, as it must, eventually be told, it must be admitted that the cat in question was itself dead, and had undoubtedly been so a very long time. To be absolutely veracious, it was a preserved specimen, which could hardly, you will agree, be expected to. raise a family.