By: Commentator Staff  | 

Constitution Adopted by Commentator Board; Present Governing Board Re-elected for ‘36 at Meeting (Vol.1, Issue 5)

Elections for staff positions of The Commentator for the academic year 1935-6 and the dratfing of a tentative constitution featured The Commentator Governing Board meeting held last Tuesday at The Commentator offices.

In view of the fact that none of the members of the Board are graduating, present posts will be retained. The September Governing. Board will therefore be Moses I. Feuerstein, Editor-in-

Chief; Mordecai L. Gabriel, Managing Editor; Gershon J. Feigon, News Editor; Seymour Kornfeld, Business Manager; William Kaufman, Sport Editor.

A system of promotions will be instituted, however, whereby candidates will be successively promoted to higher positions according to merit. According to this plan, candidates for the more responsible offices will have been active on the staff for a period of years and must have shown proof of journalistic and executive ability. 

The tentative constitution, as drawn up at the present time, includes full particulars of the proposed internal organization. Incoming Freshmen who apply for staff appointments will be placed on the Associate News Board from which, at the discretion of the Governing Board, they may be appointed to News Board rank upon entering the Sophomore year. The Business Department will follow a similar system. In this way, positions depend entirely upon personal merit, the promotions being announced by the Governing Board at the end of each academic year.