Toward a United Orthodoxy (Vol. 1, Issue 4)
The decision of the leaders of the Agudath Israel in America and the Young Israel Organization to unite in support of the Mizrachi at the coming Zionist Congress elections cannot fail to strike extreme joy in the hearts of Orthodox Jews the alarming development of militant anti-religiosity in Eretz Israel can be stemmed only by a united Orthodox front. The action of the Agudah leaders and the Young Israel in strengthening the hand of Mizrachi as the representative of Orthodoxy in the Zionist Congress is the
first step, we believe, towards the creation of such a body. It presages, let us hope, the consolidation of all Orthodox forces in the work of rebuilding Eretz Israel in the spirit of Torah.
Meanwhile, the Congress election looms near. As students of the only institution of higher Orthodox learning in the land, it is our duty to follow the lead of the various Orthodox groups in rallying to the support of Mizrachi. It becomes the obligation of every Orthodox Jew to buy a Shekel and to vote the Mizrachi ticket on June 23.