By: Commentator Staff  | 

University Club Hears Dr. Pool (Vol. 1, Issue 1)

The Jewish University Club, founded under the auspices of the Women's Branch of the Union of Orthodox Con­gregations of America, held its third meeting on Monday night, February 25, at the Spanish and Portuguese Syna­gogue, 100 Central Park West.

The guest speaker of the evening was Rabbi David de Sola Pool who presented an interesting and pertinent lecture on "The Relationship Between Judaism 'and Fascism." Pointing out that Judaism and Fascism are incompatible because of the steady trend of Jewish thought and customs against it. Rabbi Pool also emphasized that Fascism and also Communism, which, he contends, is nothing but another manifestation of the same spirit, have nothing in their ideology to offer the Jew. He further stressed that the former is continually striving to de­prive the Jew of his political rights by the abolition of all constitutions while the latter, as represented by the Russian System, ultimately means the starvation of the Jewish soul. The duty, of the Jew today, Rabbi Pool emphasized, is to awaken America and. Every land where he yet has the opportunity of, free speech, to the menace of Fascism and all its implications.

An informal session of the club followed, during which Mortimor Propp, president of the organization, heard suggestions for a proposed Purim gathering.