Let No Quibbling Daunt Us (Vol. 1, Issue 1)
It is a matter of considerable surprise to us that the participation of orthodox Jewry in commemorating the eight hundredth anniversary of the birth of one of the most illustrious Jews in history is being denounced in certain well-known orthodox circles and Rabbinic journals. Exclusive celebration of the Maimonides festival by non orthodox groups will most certainly… presentation to the world… [illegible]... view of Maimonides… [illegible]... of our own orthodox… [illegible]... the celebration we… [illegible]... a powerful force work… [illegible]... a proper appreciation and integration of one of the profoundest Talmudists and philosophers Judaism has ever known. It would afford as well, we believe, an excellent opportunity for-an integration of our understanding of one who synthesized within his own personality all phases of Jewish life. We therefore hailed the announcement by Yeshiva College. some time ago of ‘the very fine series of lectures on every aspect of Maimonides by the most eminent Orthodox authorities,’ that it had scheduled for the Spring Term.
The bickerings of certain groups, however, have thrown a monkey-wrench into the works. They would have us continue our policy of “splendid isolation,” sit back with folded hands while those
furthest from the spirit of Maimonides commemorate his anniversary and leave interpretation and discussion of his doctrines to those who are least capable of appreciating their true Jewish… and value.
We must not allow ourselves… daunted by such criticism. We… hope that the petty quibbling… these groups have stooped will … [illegible]... the authorities of Yeshiva College … [illegible]... carrying out the praiseworthy … [illegible]... a fitting celebration of Maimonides’ anniversary and … [illegible]... Orthodox … [illegible]... of his.