Unpack With YUPAC: YUPAC’s Plans for the Spring Semester
The Yeshiva University Political Action Club (YUPAC), has hundreds of members and a mission to promote the America-Israel relationship through advocacy and education. It primarily achieves this goal by hosting speeches and engaging prominent political figures in dialogue with students. However, YUPAC has recently begun to simultaneously expand its purview and means of raising political awareness among the student body.
YUPAC had its most eventful semester in its history in Fall 2022. From the introduction of this very section of The Commentator to the launch of the new “News for the Jews” Whatsapp group, not to mention sponsoring and cosponsoring events with noted foreign policy analysts, diplomats and senators, YUPAC has spent the last few months providing students with many new and unique political resources and experiences.
This spring semester, YUPAC plans to continue to expand its offerings to the YU student body. These include the Washington lobbying trip’s long-anticipated return in March, an expansion of the “News for the Jews” and “Unpack with YUPAC” WhatsApp chats, and a Shabbaton tentatively scheduled for late February. Here’s a glimpse of some of the plans for next semester:
Washington Lobbying Trip
Undoubtedly, the highlight of YUPAC’s plans for this semester is the lobbying trip to Washington DC on Wednesday, March 22 — the first since 2019. Attendees will meet with members of Congress to advocate for strengthening the US-Israel relationship, fighting antisemitism and other issues that matter to American Jewry. Students will hear from high-profile politicians and members of AIPAC, as well as tour Capitol Hill. Buses will leave from both campuses early in the morning to DC and return later that night after a packed day. Spots for the trip are limited, so sign up as fast as possible to have the best chance of being invited (applications are due Feb. 8). Those accepted will attend a training session with AIPAC’s Leadership Development Director on Feb. 21. This full-day event including a trip to DC and meals will have a small cost.
News for the Jews & Unpack With YUPAC
Are you Jewish? Do you like news? Regardless of the answer to either of the two questions, you should probably join the “News for the Jews” Whatsapp group, where your phone receives news updates about all things Jewish. From Israeli politics to worldwide anti-semitism, you’ll regularly receive links to the hottest stories as well as daily news briefs brought to you by YU students. Besides news, there’s also this very section of the Commentator, Unpack with YUPAC, in which students can contribute insightful commentary on various topics of concern to American Jewish citizens. Make sure to check YUPAC’s recently launched website for these articles, as well as many helpful links, announcements and information.
YUPAC Shabbaton
YUPAC is in the midst of organizing a Shabbaton in late February on Beren, which will serve as an excellent opportunity to spend shabbos with your fellow politically-minded students. You will also be able to attend exclusive speeches by several current members of Congress from here in NYC. It will also feature a joint discussion with a panel of YUPAC leaders regarding topics pertinent to the club, as well as other events that have yet to be announced. Be sure to sign up as soon as you are able, as spots will fill up fast.
YUPAC is gearing up for one of the most exciting, action-packed semesters in its history and you can be a part of it. If any of these events or initiatives strikes your fancy, please join the News for the Jews and YUPAC Updates Whatsapp groups. We can’t wait to see you there!
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Photo Caption: YUPAC’s Event Flyers From Fall Semester
Photo Credit: YUPAC