We Asked Y(O)U Answered: Excitement at YU
Every semester at Yeshiva University, there is a wide range of clubs, events and activities on campus that students are excited to partake in and particularly anticipate. These events and activities could range from a fun shabbaton on campus to a trip with one’s favorite club. In an effort to analyze which activities excited students the most, The Commentator reached out to several students, asking them what clubs, events and activities on campus excited them the most.
Benny Klein (YC ‘24)
“I am really looking forward to Model UN. I hope the delay allows the in-person aspect to take place. It is truly a fun time to be creative, collaborative, and goofy (at least for me). I also have a sick committee squad—shoutout to Ellie Burger and Josh Hirt!
“I am currently on the board of SASA: Students Against Sexual Assault. I think club events are usually great. I do hope to see a lot of free food events — that’s a classic draw for people. Aside from SASA events, I hope to go to the Strategy Board Game Society events, Soccer Intramurals, MCU club and Israel club events.”
Avygayl Zucker (SCW ‘24)
Political Science
“Events pertaining to other clubs are of high interest to me. The play, Stomp Out The Stigma, and comedy nights are all things I hope to come to and watch. In Stern, there are roshei yeshiva shiurim, and I am looking forward to being able to go to a few of those.
“I want to join many clubs and go to as many events as possible. I hope to make the most of my time on campus while I am here, and that involves going to everything from basketball games to the baking club. In terms of joining, I am always down for another WhatsApp chat and to get more involved.”
Yaacov Strickon (YC ‘25)
“While there are many events I am looking forward to this coming semester, I am most excited for the Bronx Zoo trip from the Zoology Club.
“I plan on joining many clubs this semester and going forward during my time at YU. In particular, I hope to join the environmental club, engineering club, JAC, and the Zoology club.”
Oze Botach (YC ‘24)
Computer Science
“Although I want to be a part of as many clubs and events as possible while I spend my time here at YU, there are a few events I am particularly excited for. I am highly looking forward to the club events, JSS events, the Hackathon, and most importantly the Shabbatons.
“Some of the clubs I am hoping to join this semester include, DevelopYU, Engineering club, HackerRank Club, and also any other clubs that are not academically oriented so I can relax!”
Photo Caption: Wilf Campus
Photo Credit: Micah Pava