Fall 2021 Wilf Election Results Released
Results from the elections for freshman, sophomore and Katz representatives on the Wilf campus were released on Friday Oct. 8, the day after elections were held. Eli Anina (YC ‘25) won as freshman representative and Jake Shochet (SSSB ‘24) won as sophomore representative, while Katz elections will be reheld due to no candidate’s meeting the requirements to win.
172 out 452 eligible students voted in total. Anina won freshman representative with 36 votes, or 59.02% of the vote.
Shochet initially tied with David Kohanchi (YC ‘25) for sophomore representative with 29 votes, or 26.85% of the vote. In accordance with Article X Section 5(2) of the Wilf Constitution, Yeshiva Student Union (YSU) interviewed both candidates and took a vote. Shochet received the majority of these votes and was declared the winner.
“I spoke with the tied candidates on Friday afternoon and was super impressed with both of them. Jake and David are both phenomenal guys that care about the student body and have great prior leadership experience,” shared YSU President Elazar Abrahams (YC ‘22). “Ultimately YSU decided that one was a better fit for this particular role, but the runner up has been offered an important spot on the Student Life Committee where I'm looking forward to seeing [him] accomplish big things.”
A total of three students voted for a Katz representative. Because no write-in candidate received the required 20 votes required to win, the race did not have a winner. According to Article X Section 5(5) of the Wilf Constitution, a new election must be held, and will be held at a later date; according to Sy Syms President Akiva Poppers (SSSB ‘22), the date has not yet been determined.
Commenting on the results of the election, Canvassing Committee Chair Natan Ehrenreich (YC ‘23) told The Commentator, “It was a pretty unique fall election. We had three write-in candidates who made strong showings, one of whom forced a tiebreaker.”
He added, “All in all, it was nice to see pretty decent turnout, and the candidates campaigned well. The down to the wire finish underscores the chief rule of elections: every single vote counts.”
Below is the breakdown of each election:
Freshman Representative
Eli Anina: 36
Isaac Silverman: 11
Write-In: 14
Total: 61
Sophomore Representative
Jake Schochet: 29
David Kohanchi: 29
Jacob Sundel: 23
Other Write-In: 52
Total: 108
Katz School Representative
Write-In: 3
Total: 3