Wilf and Beren Fall 2020 Election Results
The Wilf Campus student body voted via online ballot in the Fall 2020 undergraduate student government elections on Tuesday, Sept. 15. Beren Campus students participated in their election on Thursday, Sept. 17. The results of the election were provided to The Commentator by the Wilf Canvassing Committee and Beren Election Committee, which oversee the ballots and election process.
The Wilf election held races for Yeshiva Student Union’s (YSU) freshman and sophomore class representatives, as well as the first-ever Katz school representative. The Student Organization of Yeshiva’s (SOY) James Striar School (JSS) representative was also elected. Additionally, Makor partook in the elections for the first time in the program’s four-year history, selecting a representative that will serve in conjunction with YSU.
The Beren election held races for Stern College for Women Student Council’s (SCWSC) Freshman Class President, Sophomore Class Vice President and Katz School President and Vice President. The Freshman Class Vice President position remains vacant, as no candidates appeared on the ballot.
In the sophomore representative race, Jacob Goldsmith was disqualified after garnering more votes than his opponent. According to Canvassing Committee chair Dovie Solomon (SSSB ‘21), after the Tuesday election, it was discovered that Goldsmith did not have the proper amount of college credits to be considered a true sophomore. Only after the race were Goldsmith’s credits approved, leading the committee to vote on whether he should be disqualified. The vote was 4-3 for disqualification. “It was an unfortunate circumstance and after deliberation the majority felt that we had to disqualify Jacob,” said Solomon.
There were no campus-wide positions on either ballot this semester, as they were filled in the spring. Elections for freshman and sophomore representatives are held in the fall because it is most of those students’ first time on campus.
Listed below are the winners of each race:
Yeshiva Student Union (YSU)
YSU Freshman Class Representative: Gilad Menashe
YSU Sophomore Class Representative: Shay Fishman
YSU Katz School Representative: Dan Marouni
YSU Makor Representative: Akiva Sasson
Student Organization of Yeshiva (SOY)
SOY JSS Representative: Ilan Marouni
Stern College for Women Student Council (SCWSC)
Freshman Class President: Maxine Pravda
Sophomore Class Vice President: Rebecca Aduculesi
Katz School Class President: Enya Smilovic
Katz School Class Vice President: Renee Lisbon
The breakdown of each Wilf race is summarized below:
YSU Freshman Class Representative
Gilad Menashe - 22
YSU Sophomore Class Representative
Jacob Goldsmith - 49 (Disqualified)
Shay Fishman - 11
YSU Katz School Representative
Dan Marouani - 7
Mike Finn - 1
YSU Makor Representative
Akiva Sasson - 4
Menachem Aharon Wallach - 3
Yehoshua Fineberg - 2
SOY JSS Representative
Ilan Marouani - 18
Adir J. Cohen - 6
The Beren Election Committee does not release the detailed breakdown of their elections.