Statement From Your Student Government Presidents
To the Yeshiva University Undergraduate Student Body:
The YU Student Government feels strongly that it is important to have diverse political discourse between the YU College Republicans, the YU College Libertarians and the YU College Democrats. We value the importance of the YU College Democrats club representing part of our varied student community.
Part of being an approved club at YU includes following the rules and regulations put forth by the YU Student Government and their respective constitutions. According to the Wilf constitution, “In order that a club need not reapply for affiliation with Student Government at the beginning of each academic year, it shall … follow the regulations set forth by the General Assembly” (Article X, Section 4, Part 1). According to the Beren constitution, “Clubs shall: Complete and submit event request and speaker forms … and otherwise comply with the requirements of the applicable council and the SGA” (Article VII, Section 2, Parts C, D). By not seeking or receiving approval for an event, the YU College Democrats club violated the aforementioned rules. They were therefore asked to remove the club name from the event, but the YU College Democrats club refused to do so.
To avoid any complications moving forward, the YU Student Government will be asking all YU affiliated club heads to affirm that in order to run an event — in an official or unofficial capacity — they need the approval of the YU Student Government. Failure to adhere to Student Government standards will lead to the loss of club status as a YU affiliated club.
We look forward to working with all of our clubs and students this year, including the YU College Democrats, to maintain our diverse representation on campus.
Your Student Government Presidents
Wilf Student Council
YSU President Ariel Sacknovitz
SOY President Yoni Broth
YCSA President Leib Wiener
SYMSSC - WILF President Chayim Mahgerefteh
Beren Student Council
SCWSC President Aleeza Katz
TAC President Bella Adler
SYMSSC - BEREN President Miriam Schloss