Upset Alumnus - Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
As a concerned alumnus following Yeshiva College’s latest news, including the successful men’s basketball team, I am very upset with the lack of attention The Commentator gives its fellow student-athletes. I have not seen one score, one paragraph, one photo, one interview with a men’s basketball team member or coach, nor any mention of their historic 16 game winning streak which started on Dec. 1, 2018. Also, make note that YU is in first place in the Skyline Conference. What an accomplishment!
I am well aware of our motto, Torah Umadda, but not one word on your fellow student-athletes seems wrong. These athletes do not receive athletic scholarships. They volunteer their time outside the classroom between practice, games, study and staying in shape in order to compete. It is just unheard of and inconsiderate for an event that should (and very often does) pack the MSAC gym for home games as well as visiting team gyms (which are located near Jewish communities) to not get one mention in the institution’s publication. Where is the Sports Editor with the news coverage to show appreciation for your classmates’ accomplishments?
In any event, good luck to the Macs the rest of the way: in the conference playoffs, and the potential automatic invite to the NCAA’s Division III NE tournament. You bring pride to YU students past and present and the Jewish community.
Alan Blumenthal (YC ‘70)