The Democrats Know Best
The government was recently partially shut down while both parties used 800,000 government workers as giant pawns to achieve their own respective ends in the battle over a border wall. This government shutdown holds the record as the longest in American history. Republicans, with President Donald Trump leading the charge, remain adamant that there can be no full border security without a physical barrier between America and Mexico. Although funding the wall would have been significantly cheaper than keeping the government shut down, the Democrats refuse to realize that not building a wall is completely immoral and antithetical to American values.
Drugs claim tens of thousands of lives every year. Drugs destroy lives and shatter families. Drugs lead to all sorts of crimes, particularly violent crimes. Drugs cost taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Over 99 percent of U.S. border seizures of marijuana and methamphetamine in 2015 were at the Mexican border.
There are over 65,000 fatal overdoses every year, and this figure does not include thousands more yearly deaths because of drugs, including gang turf wars, robberies gone bad and fights between rival drug dealers. This is a staggering number when compared to the entire Vietnam War, which claimed a grand total of 58,000 American lives.
Illegal drugs also take an enormous toll on all of society. The Federal Bureau of Prisons reported that there are over 77,500 inmates in federal prison for drug-related offenses. They also reported that each incarcerated inmate costs somewhere between 20,000 dollars and 40,000 dollars per year. In addition to this, thousands of children are neglected as a result of their parents’ drug use. Families are torn apart when members are locked up, stuck in rehab, not functioning as a result of their addiction or dead. The government spends billions of taxpayer dollars every year fighting the war on drugs.
The wall can save thousands of lives lost to drugs every year. The wall can save billions of dollars lost because of drugs every year. The wall can save families lost to drugs. The wall can lower crime rates across the country. But the Democrats say the wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
Sex traffickers use our Southern border to smuggle in their victims. Securing the border will minimize their ability to operate. As Americans, it is our duty to hinder the ability of sex traffickers, no matter what the price tag is. But the Democrats say the wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
Terrorists exploit our Mexican border to sneak in unnoticed. There were at least fifteen suspected terrorists that were caught trying to enter the country through the southern border in 2018. Terrorists will always use our most vulnerable points to gain entry into America. We are only as secure as our weakest border, and one terrorist can kill and harm way too many people. The number of terrorists apprehended at the border proves that we must do more to protect our borders because even just a single terrorist must be prevented from entering our homeland at all costs. But the Democrats say the wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
Illegal immigrants are responsible for killing thousands of Americans, with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency reporting 2,028 homicide offenses in 2018. Illegal immigrants are responsible for raping thousands of Americans and for killing police officers. There are children who have lost their parents, parents who have lost their children, wives who became widows and husbands who have become widowers because of our unsecured borders. Illegal immigrants are inherently criminal and many have long rap sheets. MS-13, an extremely violent and brutal gang, is also exploiting our lack of proper border security to gain access to our country. The common sense response to prevent more deaths would be to erect a physical barrier to secure our border. But the Democrats say a wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
In 2017, nearly 400 illegal border crossers died on their way through the desert. The journey is extremely perilous; it can be a five-day trek through the hot desert with very little water. The coyotes, paid smugglers, often ditch their human cargo and force them to face the tough elements on their own. Building a wall will not only save American lives but also the lives of illegal crossers by deterring them from making the dangerous trip. But the Democrats say a wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
In 2015, there were 4.4 million people waiting in lines for as long as 10 years to become legal citizens. Yet, without a border wall, we are allowing criminals to walk into our country and cut the millions of law-abiders in line. We are encouraging criminals to break the law and punishing law abiders for abiding by our laws. But the Democrats say a wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
Illegal immigrants become a burden on society. They receive free healthcare, free education, welfare and food stamps from our pockets. They take the jobs that would otherwise go to American citizens. In America, we have respect for the rule of law. However, when it comes to illegal immigration, we are respecting lawlessness. Using taxpayers’ money to support illegal aliens is antithetical to American values. But the Democrats say a wall is immoral, and the Democrats know best.
Common sense dictates that it is immoral to not stem the flow of drugs into America. Drugs kill thousands of people and cost billions of dollars every year. Common sense dictates that it is immoral to not hinder sex traffickers from smuggling their victims into America. Common sense dictates that it is immoral to not prevent terrorists from entering our homeland. Common sense dictates that it is immoral to not prevent illegal aliens, who kill and rape Americans, from illegally entering the United States. Common sense dictates that it is immoral to not build the wall! But the Democrats say a wall is immoral, and the Democrats think they know best.
President Trump visiting border wall prototypes in San Diego.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons