Events Office Allows Ben-Zvi Back to Campus
Nomi Ben-Zvi has regained permission to tutor on the Beren Campus this semester, according to Director of University Events Melissa Celik. Ben-Zvi did not return multiple requests for comment on her reauthorization.
Last semester, an investigation by The Commentator revealed that the Chromium Prep tutoring service, conducted by Ben-Zvi, had its tutoring authorization rescinded by the Dean’s Office after the Fall 2017 Semester. Despite this, Ben-Zvi continued to tutor on the Beren Campus, holding sessions in different rooms in both academic buildings on the Beren Campus. After being informed of Ben-Zvi’s continued presence on campus, Director of Security Paul Murtha told The Commentator that she would no longer be permitted to enter any YU building without permission from security.
According to an anonymous Stern College student, however, Ben-Zvi ran one session in 30 Park, Stern’s Independent Housing Project dorm, after being invited by two of her students.
According to the YU Office of Events, any tutor not affiliated with Yeshiva University is required to gain approval from the Dean’s Office before beginning to tutor on campus. The tutor is required to pay an insurance fee as well as a room rental fee of approximately $150 per session. The Dean’s office declined to comment on the reason for Ben-Zvi’s de-authorization. When asked about Ben-Zvi’s re-approval, Dean Bacon informed The Commentator that “if Ms. Ben-Zvi met the requirements we ask of others, she should be eligible to apply.”
According to an article in The Commentator, “Nomi Ben-Zvi[‘s tutoring]...has garnered polarizing reactions from Stern students. Her tutoring has inspired and helped many succeed, while simultaneously creating a culture of exclusivity and pressure to enroll in her courses.”
Ben-Zvi had previously taught tutoring courses in General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry on the Beren Campus. She is the founder of Chromium Prep, a tutoring service offering both private and group sessions and specializing in Chemistry, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, MCAT and DAT.
Photo Caption: Nomi Ben-Zvi
Photo Credit: Chromium Prep Facebook page.