Wilf Campus Undergraduate Student Government Election Results
On May 1, the Wilf Campus student body voted in the Spring 2018 Wilf Campus undergraduate student government elections. The night of the election, the Canvassing Committee, which oversees student government elections, shared the results of the election with The Commentator. In total, 590 out of 1004 Wilf Campus students voted, or 58.8%. The following are the results of the election, followed by per-candidate vote totals:
SOY President: Moshe Spirn
SOY Vice President: Micah Hyman
SOY PR Secretary: Ilan Lavian
SOY MYP Representative: Yoni Schechter
SOY JSS Representative: Jeremy Orlian
A SOY SBMP Representative and SOY IBC Representative were not elected, as no candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
SSSBSC President: Brandon Emalfarb
SSSBSC Vice President: Jason Brody
SSSBSC Secretary/Treasurer: Chayim Mahgerefteh
YCSA President: Amitai Miller
YCSA Vice President: Akiva Frishman
A YCSA Secretary/Treasurer was not elected, as no candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
YSU President: Nolan Edmonson
YSU Vice President of Class Affairs: Judah Stiefel
YSU Vice President of Clubs: Josh Aranoff
YSU Senior Class Representative: Avery Ennis
A YSU Junior Class Representative was not elected, as no candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
Four proposed amendments to the Wilf Student Government Constitution appeared on the ballot, and none of the amendments garnered the three-fifths majority necessary for ratification, according to the rules outlined in the Constitution.
The Canvassing Committee released the breakdown of each race, which is summarized below. In races in which candidates officially appeared on the ballot, all of the candidates and their vote tallies are listed below; for positions where the victor was a write-in candidate, only the winning candidate is listed:
SOY President
Moshe Spirn - 374
Noah Marlowe - 200
SOY Vice President
Micah Hyman - 253
Tani Polansky - 165
Yoni Broth - 142
SOY PR Secretary
Ilan Lavian (Write-in) - 54
SOY MYP Representative
Yoni Schechter - 310
SOY SBMP Representative
No candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
SOY IBC Representative
No candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
SOY JSS Representative
Jeremy Orlian - 23
SSSBSC President
Brandon Emalfarb - 148
Mikhail Grayster - 100
SSSBSC Vice President
Jason Brody - 145
Doni Yellin - 112
SSSBSC Secretary/Treasurer
Chayim Mahgerefteh - 233
YCSA President
Amitai Miller - 282
YCSA Vice President
Akiva Frishman - 135
Zack Rynhold - 83
Scott Weissman - 78
YCSA Secretary/Treasurer
No candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
YSU President
Nolan Edmonson - 524 votes
YSU Vice President of Class Affairs
Judah Stiefel - 518
YSU Vice President of Clubs
Josh Aranoff (Write-in) - 24
YSU Senior Class Representative
Avery Ennis - 255
YSU Junior Class Representative
No candidates appeared on the ballot, and no write-in candidate received the minimum 20 votes necessary to win.
None of the amendments on the ballot received the required three-fifths majority, or 60%, necessary for ratification:
Amendment #1 (Restructuring of Student Council)
DID NOT PASS (44.1% voted yes)
No - 329
Yes - 260
Amendment #2 (Katz School Representation)
DID NOT PASS (51.4% voted yes)
Yes - 303
No - 287
Amendment #3 (Addition to Amendments Committee)
DID NOT PASS (50.3% voted yes)
Yes - 297
No - 293
Amendment #4 (Deadline for Proposing Clubs)
DID NOT PASS (44.2% voted yes)
No - 329
Yes - 261