Hot Tub Tentatively Reopened on Wilf Campus
After about two years of idleness, the hot tub on the Wilf campus is operational once more. According to Executive Director for University Operations Joseph Cook, although the hot tub has not been completely fixed, it was reopened for the public at the start of the spring semester.
The hot tub originally shut down about two years ago after a leak was discovered. “Several companies have attempted to resolve the leak issue and the consensus now is that the leak is somewhere under the decking in the pool area,” explained Cook, who is still working on a solution to the broken hot tub. “For now we will simply refill the lost water. A long-term solution will be addressed at the end of the spring semester.”
The Wilf campus Student Life Committee has also been involved in conversations about getting the hot tub fixed. “The Student Life Committee has heard numerous complaints over the last year and a half about the hot tub,” said Jesse Silverman, senior co-chair of the Wilf Student Life Committee. “Joe Cook was surprised to find out how many students were upset about the hot tub, but once we told him, he made it a priority. We have been in contact with him throughout and he has been extremely responsive.”
According to Silverman, even after the hot tub was refilled, it was discovered that the water was not heating up. “A broken coil was identified and set to be fixed,” explained Silverman. “To date, it gets warm, but the heater still definitely needs further fixing. The hot tub is open, but not warm enough to use.”
Joey Jubas, a lifeguard at YU and president of the YU Aquatics Society, explained that the issue of the hot tub played a large role in his experience at YU. “It is amazing having the hot tub back, as many students have asked about it when coming into the pool for a swim,” said Jubas, who has been a lifeguard at YU for the past three years. “I think once YU was truly aware of the issue and the impact it has on students lives, they moved quickly and devised a temporary solution.”
Other students are excited about the reopening of the hot tub on the Wilf Campus as well. “After putting in long hours in the library, there is no better place to unwind than the hot tub,” remarked Benji Wajsberg, a Yeshiva College senior. “Myself and the whole shvitz WhatApp group are very excited for it’s reopening.”
The restoration of the Wilf Campus hot tub owes itself to the voices of the disgruntled students, explained Silverman. The steam room on the Wilf Campus has recently experienced some technical issues, but to the SLC, the hot tub was a bigger priority because of the reaction in garnered from the students.
“We sincerely hope students continue to notice issues and think of new initiatives and bring them to our attention,” said Silverman. “With an appropriate and respectful approach, real change can be made.”