RIETS Press Opens Bookstore in Glueck Building
RIETS Press, the publication arm of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, opened a bookstore on December 7th in the Glueck building on the Wilf Campus. The store offers books on subjects such as hashkafa, gemara, and tefilah.
Those who wish to buy books must go and ask to gain access to the store in the RIETS office on the 6th floor of Glueck. They will then be brought to a room with the books and a list of the prices, which range from 5 to 30 dollars.
As a division of the Michael Scharf Publication Trust of the Yeshiva University Press, RIETS Press was created as a platform to publish works of YU Roshei Yeshiva and Torah Studies faculty. It produces volumes on subjects ranging from Lashon HaRa, laws of Shabbos, and contemporary laws of Niddah, as well as numerous seforim on different areas of Talmudic analysis.
Rabbi Yona Reiss, the Director of RIETS Press, former Deans of RIETS, and current YU Rosh Yeshiva, stated, “It is our hope and intention to keep the RIETS Store open as a haven for top notch Torah scholarship in our midst.”
“The new RIETS store provides an opportunity for the talmidei hayeshiva to purchase these seforim in a convenient way and at a discounted price,” said Rabbi Menachem Penner, Dean of RIETS and Undergraduate Torah Studies. “The RIETS Press gives the YU community – and the Jewish world – a window into the Torah of one of the greatest Torah faculties in the world.”
Noah Marlowe, Vice President of the Student Organization of Yeshiva, shared Rabbi Reiss’s excitement for the opening of the store, though he was somewhat disappointed when the books that he was hoping to find there were not in stock.
“I was hoping to find old Yeshiva University Press books that are out of publishing, such as the english translation of Orot Hatshuva by Rav Kook and Rabbi Norman Lamm’s Torah Lishma: Torah for Torah’s Sake. I guess the store is just for books printed recently.”
As for the future, Rabbi Reiss stated, “The long term vision is to provide the community with a far-reaching range of Torah publications that are representative of the scholarship in our Yeshiva, and the broad-based erudition that informs and inspires our worldview.”