Office of Student Life Confirms Second Year of Free SWAG Day
The Office of Student Life held a second yearly SWAG day on December 20, in which undergraduate students were given free YU apparel. This year, SWAG Day featured three sweatshirt options: one hoodie, one zip-up, and one crew neck. All were designed specially for the event.
The abbreviation “SWAG” stands for Stuff We All Get, an apt name for a day where boxloads of outerwear is distributed, free of charge. Last year’s event was widely considered a success, and students could regularly be spotted wearing the YU apparel on both the Wilf and Beren campuses.
When asked about the reason for repeating the event again this year, Senior Director of the Office of Student Life Rabbi Josh Weisberg stated, "After seeing the success of SWAG day last year and the pride it generated amongst the student body, Dr. Nissel and the OSL felt strongly we should do everything we can to make sure it happened again."
Although Rabbi Weisberg could not confirm if the event will be replicated every year going forward, he said he hopes that all the pieces fall into place in terms of funding so SWAG day can be done again in the future.