Letter to the Editor: The Seforim Sale 2018
To the students at Yeshiva University,
It has come to our attention that there has been a miscommunication regarding a supposed pricing policy that was instituted during our annual Fall Seforim Sale. Regardless of how the mistake came about, we want to emphasize that we mark up our prices according to what costs we receive from our vendors and not in accordance with any outside influence or organization. We apologize if there was anyone confused or offended by this misunderstanding and want to ensure to you, our classmates and friends, that we are dedicated to providing our customers with the fairest and most outstanding service possible.
Since our inception in 1964, we have been devoted to making Seforim available to the greater Jewish community, and, most importantly, the YU student body. We are committed to equality and access to Torah for all, regardless of identification or background. We want Torah to be tangible for all Jews in any and every form possible and are committed to providing the cheapest possible prices in order to obtain that knowledge. From our humble beginnings working out of a Yeshiva College dorm room to becoming the largest Jewish book sale in North America, we have constantly kept our goal in mind: to do everything for the talmidim of the university at large. We would have never reached this point without the support of you, the students. We are very grateful and appreciative for your continued support every step of the way and for that, we must thank each and every one of you.
Everything we do here at the Seforim Sale is for the students. From the middle of January when we begin to set up through clean up in the middle of March, we give the Sale everything we’ve got. We put our blood, sweat, and tears into it and while it’s a daunting task, it’s all a labor of love for our customers. Every detail - from the books to the CDs to the Roshei Yeshiva posters we order to the displays customers see - is thought through and approved by our Upper Staff and organized by our section managers, cashiers, backend staff, and interns. We treat every employee equally, as we’d like to every one of our patrons. Our goal is to make our clientele happy and never to discriminate against any person who walks through our doors in Weisberg Commons. We want every person to be satisfied and to feel as if he or she was treated properly under our care.
The Seforim Sale this year will run from February 4th through 25th, 2018. We will be working with thousands of titles and authors, as well as working with over one hundred students university-wide. We have over 30,000 loyal customers each year both in-store and on our website who use us as their means to expand their Torah knowledge.
This year, for the first time in over ten years, the Seforim Sale opened its Fall Sale on the Beren campus downtown. We offered a wide selection of books needed for Judaic classes, machzorim, and mussar seforim for the Yamim Noraim. This was a great opportunity in Torah accessibility for the next generation of Jewish scholars. This Fall Sale on Beren was run by women for women and we hope to continue and grow it for years to come.
But our work is far from done: looking forward to seeing all of you this February at the 2018 Sale!
The Seforim Sale 2018