YU Introduces New Joint Electrical Engineering Program With Tel Aviv University
A new partnership between Yeshiva University and Tel Aviv University will now allow incoming electrical engineering majors to complete their studies at TAU’s International School of Engineering. After the completion of their studies, students will receive both a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from TAU and a Bachelor of Arts degree from YU.
In a correspondence with The Commentator, Professor Ehud Heyman, Head of the International School of Engineering at Tel Aviv University, stated that “students will study for two years at YU, during which they will study the basic courses in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, in addition to their liberal art studies and Limudei Kodesh, and will then study for three years in TAU... ”
Professor Heyman noted that the partnership is of similar nature to the joint program that YU currently runs with Columbia University, in which students receive a B.S. degree in Engineering from Columbia and a B.A. from YU. He suggested that the TAU program is intended for students who are interested in studying in Israel for a variety of reasons such as immigration, increased contact with the Israeli industry, or simply the desire to study in Eretz Yisrael.
“The faculty and the university responded to this challenge with the strong desire to connect with the educated Orthodox stream in the U.S.,” he explained. “The program is designed to provide these students with scientific and engineering education on the same high level used in the engineering faculty of Tel Aviv University.”
Dr. Edward Berliner (Director of Science Management/Clinical Professor of Physics at YU) described what was behind the creation of the partnership and how the cooperative degree program came to fruition.
“We have always had some students interested in engineering and some interested in aliyah,” he said. “The problem we tried to address is that because industry connections are often local, attending engineering school in the US might mean that you would be on your own during your job search in Israel.” Dr. Berliner detailed one of the main benefits of the program as the opportunity to build a strong professional network while still in undergraduate years. This will allow for students interested in working in Israel to transition more seamlessly into the Israeli job market. He added that a few students have already demonstrated interest in the program, particularly those who are currently in Israel who were originally planning to remain there for college due to aliyah aspirations.
The partnership between YU and TAU is reflective of multiple goals that President Berman presented at his investiture speech on September 10. He stressed both the need to create new opportunities for students in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, known collectively as STEM, and to help build the modern State of Israel.
“We certainly encourage students to move to Israel and we encourage those who live outside of Israel to devote their time and resources to help Israel further its role as a shining light to humanity,” Berman stated at his investiture.