Despite Political Differences, Students Gather for Election Party
On Election Night 2016, the Yeshiva University community came together for an election viewing party. Over 200 students shuffled in and out of the Morg Lounge to cheer on their candidates while enjoying pizza and snacks.
The event was hosted by the College Republicans, College Democrats, J. Dunner Political Science Society, and YU Observer, and was part of a series of events surrounding this election including a debate between the College Democrats and College Republicans and a viewing party of the first presidential debate. “It was great to see everyone come out,” said Yossi Hoffman, one of the presidents of the YU College Republicans. “The room was completely full and the students really cared. It’s great to see people so invested in their country.”
Aside from the occasional “lock her up” chant, the event stayed relatively civil, with both candidates receiving cheers from supporters and boos from detractors when winning a state. On the whole, the crowd favoring Donald Trump was louder — a large group of his supporters gathered on one side of the room, cheering wildly whenever he climbed in the results or won a state. One Trump supporter even came with a shofar to blow upon the expected announcement of Trump’s victory.
Nolan Edmonson, a first-year student and one of the attendees, said, “I think it’s a fantastic show of why this country is already great, that students can sit together and be civil while still disagreeing.” Not everyone, however, was pleased with the reactions. “This is terrifying,” said Aryeh Rothstein, a first-year Yeshiva College student. “It is remarkable that people can’t learn from history that campaigns built on hate only lead to destruction.”
President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration will take place on January 20th, 2017 as he takes over for President Obama to become the 45th president of the United States.
Photo provided by Etan Vann