Orientation Eases New Arrivals into College Life
Students of all variations anticipated the new semester at Yeshiva University: final-semester seniors, returning students, and most exciting of all, first-semester students. Noam Feifel, (Sy Syms ‘18) said, “I can not believe how fast the first semester flew by; to imagine that I am already starting my second one is crazy. Now that I know what to expect out of school, I am excited to see how this semester will go.”
After coming back from vacation, students appeared to be enthused about the spring semester. Ariel Bluman (Sy Syms ‘16) stated, “being that it is my last semester here, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I am thrilled about graduating, but on the other, it is hard to leave school considering it has been my home for the past few years. Looking back on my time here will always be nostalgic, no matter how long after I graduate.” However, the most intrigued students of any at YU appear to be the incoming lower sophomores, students returning from a gap year in Israel.
Being a new student on campus is a great deal to absorb at once. While it is hard to make new friends, adjust to the living conditions of the dorms, or get accustomed to all of the classes, perhaps the hardest thing to absorb is orientation. At orientation students receive informational papers, meet faculty, listen to speeches, become familiar with the campus, and more. This is quite a load to be handed. Moreover, spring orientation was crammed into a smaller period of time due to Winter Storm Jonas, which covered campus grounds in almost 20 inches of snow.
Eli Lipner (Sy Syms ‘19), who recently began his first semester at YU said, “Coming from Israel I do not know what to expect. I did not have any tests or exams, and now I have to prepare to take exams in four classes. It is kind of a culture shock, but I think I will adjust soon enough.” Orientation provided students with expectations for the semester, as well as introductions to faculty members who can make the transition from Israel to college more manageable. Rami Laifer (Sy Syms 19) said, “Meeting some of the deans put me at ease. Putting a name to the faces really does matter. The faculty really seems to care about the students and that is very reassuring. I can’t wait to see what the semester has in store for me.”
As the new semester begins, and orientation has passed, nerves are calming. Students are getting into the ebb and flow of the semester. Before they take a step to look back at the semester, summer vacation will be around the corner, and the next semester will be coming.