Unanimous Vote of No Confidence Reveals Unease at Einstein
Last Friday, the faculty senate at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, currently run under the auspices of Yeshiva University, met to discuss the future of the medical school, a future which has been brought into question with the unfortunate financial difficulties YU has been experiencing over the last couple of years. After talks with Montefiore Medical Center which proposed transferring control over to Montefiore broke down late last year, when the parties were “unable to agree on certain material terms” as New York Daily News reports, unease among Einstein faculty has increased. With fears that nationally-ranked research programs might begin to shut down if the deal falls through completely, the senate issued a vote of no confidence in YU, an uncommon action which clearly proclaims their position on the matter. “The Einstein senate unanimously supports the formation of an agreement transferring fiscal control of Einstein from YU to Montefiore,” Dr. Jeff Segall, the Einstein senate speaker, said. Despite the frustration and financial uncertainty, a spokesman from YU issued a statement declaring that the school is “keeping all options on the table to ensure a secure future of excellence for its medical school and the entire University.”