YU Hires New CFO
On October 1, 2013, Toby Winer was officially hired as Chief Financial Officer of Yeshiva University. A day earlier, J. Michael Gower, Yeshiva’s former CFO, officially resigned from Yeshiva and became CFO of Rutgers University.
The Chief Financial Officer is in charge of the finances of the University, which involves overseeing and creating programs to help financially support the goals of the institution. Additionally, in recent years, the role of a CFO has evolved to include more involvement in the planning and direction of the institution. President Joel wrote in an email to the students that Winer’s position within the University will reflect these two roles, stating that she will “implement financial plans” as well as “advise the University’s ongoing strategic planning process,” noting that she will serve on the President’s Cabinet and work closely with Senior Vice President Josh Joseph.
Winer is a CPA who holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Masters of Business from Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Additionally, she participated in the Summer Institute for Educational Management Program in Harvard University, an intensive two week leadership program for senior university administrators.
Winer has held many senior administrative jobs during her illustrious 30 year career. Most recently Ms. Winer was employed by Pace University, where she spent five years and held various positions, including Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. During her tenure at Pace, Winer was profiled in CFO Magazine for her ability to maintain financial stability during the recession by investing in Pace University’s performing arts program, thereby increasing enrollment by three hundred students. “Ms. Winer understands the higher education landscape and has time and again proven herself a leader in managing financial operations in ways that position a university to grow,” said Josh Joseph.
It remains unclear, however, whether Winer’s hiring is considered a long-term solution or not. President Joel’s email stated that Winer will assist in the recruitment of a permanent CFO, implying that Winer position is only on an interim basis. Winer’s hiring was also announced the day before departing CFO J. Michael Gower’s resignation took effect, perhaps indicative of a scramble to fill the vacant position. Regardless of her expected tenure, Winer appears levelheaded and committed: “The real focus now is on strengthening our financial planning and management processes, ensuring effective budgeting is in place, and shoring up our resources”.