Meet the Candidates: Shai Berman
Shai Berman, History & Economics
Desired position in Student Government:
YCSA Secretary/Treasurer
Hi, my name is Shai Berman. I am a sophomore in the YC honors program majoring in history and economics. I grew up in Teaneck NJ and went to TABC for high school. Before coming to YU, I attended Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) for 2 years. As for my future plans, nothing is decided, but as of now, I plan to go to law school upon graduation.
Why are you running for this position on student council?
I am running for office because I believe that I will be a very competent YCSA Secretary/Treasurer. In this position, I will be very involved with overseeing clubs and planning campus activities--tasks at which I know I can excel. As Secretary/Treasurer, I will be able to make sure that all clubs will, within reason, have the means and ability to run whatever events they want. As for campus activities, I look forward to putting all my efforts towards making sure that those activities are fun for all and run smoothly.
What experience do you bring to this position?
In TABC, I served as Secretary on the student council as was very involved in planning various school activities. Additionally, I currently participate in QUEST, a Jewish leadership training seminar run by the YU Office of Student life. At QUEST, we have focused on honing various skills, such as event programming, time management, teamwork, and priorities&decision making, which will assist me in being an effective student leader.
What, if any, other leadership commitments are you taking on next year?
Next year, I will be on the board of the YC Historical society and will hopefully be involved with SHEM (Student Holocaust Education Movement) as well. Additionally, I will continue my participation in QUEST, where we will be focusing on fundraising and budgeting, which will most definitely compliment my position, if elected, of Secretary/Treasurer.
How many credits do you plan on taking next semester?
Still undecided
At YU, I...
I live in a YU dorm, I eat at least half of my meals in the caf, I have not faced any disciplinary action from Yeshiva University, I do not have a criminal record nor have I been arrested
Why should students vote for you over any other candidate?
If you would ask anybody who knows me well, they would tell you that I am somebody who is thorough and comprehensive when it comes to doing any job or completing any task I am given. A vote for me is a vote for effective and responsible student leadership.