Meet the Candidates: Nathaniel Ribner
Nathaniel Ribner, English
Desired position in Student Government
Junior Class President
Nathaniel hails from Teaneck, NJ and is double majoring in English and Jewish Acapella, and is possibly bound for law school. As someone who is from the New York area and went to The Frisch School and Moshava Io, you would think he's just a classic rude New Yorker who (thinks he) knows everyone... wrong. He went to a strictly non-new yorker yeshiva (Lev HaTorah) and tells people that he was born in Chicago!
Why are you running for this position on student council?
While recognizing the honor to represent fellow students at Yu, I also realize that loading myself up with responsibilities will actually deter me from being as effective as possible. Following this logic, serving as the Junior Class President is a job that I feel I can excel in. While working on a micro, or in this case, grade environment, I plan to coordinate many exciting events and executing opportunities with other classmates on a smaller spectrum.
What experience do you bring to this position?
I consider myself a leader, having served on a student council before. I was elected class representative of my high school senior class and coordinated bands and choirs throughout my summers in camp and during Frisch's annual multimedia event, Shiriyah.
What, if any, other leadership commitments are you taking on next year?
Next year I plan to have a big role in Yeshiva University's official Acapella group, the Y-Studs. I also plan on joining the Student Life Committee and working in the Cafeteria!
How many credits do you plan on taking next semester?
At YU, I...
I live in a YU dorm, I live within five blocks of the YC campus, I eat at least half of my meals in the caf, I have not faced any disciplinary action from Yeshiva University
Why should students vote for you over any other candidate?
I am very open minded, friendly, and optimistic about what we as the Junior Class can accomplish next year. Also, I have friends in high places (ask me personally).