Meet the Candidates: Michael Silverstein
Michael Silverstein, Biology and Psychology
Desired position in Student Government:
YSU Vice President
I grew up in Philadelphia, attended MTA for high school, and then spent 2 years learning in Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush). I am in YC and am double majoring in Biology and Psychology. After YU, I plan to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology, focusing on child trauma.
Why are you running for this position on student council?
Since I arrived on the YU campus, I have been involved in the YU community. Through my role as a news writer and then editor for the Commentator, I have worked with the administration behind the scenes on many university issues, such as the new curriculum, SAAC teacher reviews, and the new events calendar. Yet, I was never directly involved in influencing the YU. This year, I thought it was time to be more involved in the student government, in order to enhance the YU experience in a much more direct fashion.
What experience do you bring to this position?
I have been very involved in YU programming and opportunities. Through my role as News editor, I have worked with students, faculty, and administration to improve many events and advance policies. I spent Counterpoint Israel in Dimona, and have participated in numerous other CJF programs. Additionally, I have worked for Bnei Akiva and NCSY, where, in addition to serving as a counselor/advisor, I helped plan events and reunions. Lastly, I am a Justice on the Student Supreme Court.
What, if any, other leadership commitments are you taking on next year?
I will most likely be a member of the psychology club.
How many credits do you plan on taking next semester?
At YU, I...
I live in a YU dorm, I live within five blocks of the YC campus, I have not faced any disciplinary action from Yeshiva University, I do not have a criminal record nor have I been arrested
Why should students vote for you over any other candidate?
I have a lot of experience working within the university, both with the administration and students. I am running because I want to be a part of the team that enhances the student experience.