7 Up, 7 Down
7 Up
- Donation. Albert Einstein College of Medicine receives $8 Million dollar estate gift from former anatomy professor. Raises the bar for everyone else, no?
- Points of Light. Helen Unger (SCW ‘13) Daniel Simkin (SSSB ‘15) and our very own, Gavriel Brown (YC ‘14) honored at YU’s Hanukah Dinner and Convocation.
- Netflix. If you don’t have netflix during reading week, it’s unclear what you’re doing all day. Maybe sign up for the one month free trial--there’s really no better time. And it’ll last you through break too!
- Gun Control. RIETS Dean Rabbi Yonah Reiss called for increased scrutiny of gun laws in the United States following Sandy Hook massacre. Courageous.
- Chanukah Concert. Technical glitches aside, Edon stole the hearts of the crowd. Thanks little man!
- Les Miserables. Never read the book? Never saw the play? Well, now it's a movie so you have no excuse. Go see it. Now.
- 1000 Points. Senior Dovie Hoffman became the 25th player in YU basketball history to record 1,000 career points. Too bad only three YU students were there to see it.
7 Down
- Finals on January 9. While everyone else is enjoying freedom with friends and family, you’re still slaving away. Worst. Finals-schedule. Ever
- YU Crush. An even creeper iteration of YU Compliments is spreading through Facebook. We suggest having fun with it; whoever makes the Crush feel more awkward gets 50 bucks. To YU Connects. On us. Foreal.
Just make sure your facebook page lines up with your YU connects profile; looks like YUConnects has a new way of spying on you. A secret initiative by YU Connects? - LinkedIn. When 99 percent of your Linkedin friends happen to be your Facebook friends, something’s wrong with your profile. You know what happens when you mix business with pleasure...
- The Lord is Stepping Down. After 21 years as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, Rabbi Sacks is stepping down. Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has some big shoes to fill.
- Selection in the caf. It's finals time and there is nothing to snack on in the caf, except carrots. Hello? We want Oreos, we want kettle cooked chips, we want heimeshe paskesz cookies with chocolate chip cookies on the outside and cream on the inside. Please?
- Fighting for a seat. The library is a hotter commodity than usual this time of year. It always gets a bit intense, so bring your boxing gloves and get ready for a mortal combat style battle.
- Abuse Scandal. Enough said, enough said.