Student Pulse: Election ‘08 Edition (Vol. 74, Issue 2)
1. Whom do you support for president?
John McCain and Sarah Palin — 68.7%
Barack Obama and Joe Biden ~ 16.3%
Unsure — 15,0%
2. Which candidate do you think will better handle:
a. The economy?
Barack Obama — 31.3%
John McCain — 47.6%
Unsure — 21.1%
b. US foreign policy?
John McCain — 75.3%
Barack Obama — 17.1%
Unsure — 7.5%
c. The US-Israel relationship?
Barack Obama — 11.6%
John McCain — 74.0%
Unsure — 14.4%
5. Do you approve of the Bush administration’s performance over the past eight years?
Strongly Approve — 7.5%
Somewhat Approve — 33.6% ;
Somewhat Disapprove — 37.0%
Strongly Disapprove — 19.9%
Not Enough Information — 21%
6. Has the current financial crisis made you more concerned about finding a job after college?
Very concerned — 18.1%
Somewhat concerned — 55.6%
Not concerned at all — 20.8%
Not enough information — 5.6%
7. Has the recent disclosure of YU’s budget of $24 million (4%) concern you?
Very concerned — 16.2%
Somewhat concerned — 50.7%
Not concerned at all — 25.0%
Not enough information — 8.1%
What They’re Saying...
“People tend to come down hard on political figures — often justifiably so. But the fact is, when you select any candidate, it's going to be a mixed bag, and you're never going to agree with a candidate on everything unless you are the candidate. Voting is all about priorities — whoever sides with you on those issues which you see as most critical is the ong_you're going to choose. But don't get all upset when that individual then puts into practice his/her positions on other issues. It's not fair to give someone a negative rating for agreeing with you on some things but disagreeing on others — it should be part of one's normal expectations. If you want a perfect choice, the only option you have is to pray, because it'll never happen Biderech Hateva.”
“Aside from everything else, if the Christian right has the power to push McCain into office, that is bad news for everyone else — fundamentalism is dangerous for Jews even when it comes from Christians.”
Noteworthy Stats
65.3% of male students surveyed support John McCain and Sarah Palin; 74.5% of female students surveyed do.
3.7% of students who believe John McCain would be better for Israel are still voting for Barack Obama. 10.3% of those students are still unsure of whom they will vote for.
95.1% of YC and Stern College students are “somewhat concerned” about finding a job after college, while 16.1% are “very concerned”; 57.7% of SSSB students are “somewhat concerned,” while 26.9% are “very concerned.”
148 students filled out The Commentator’s poll: 96 male students and 51 female students.