By: The Commentator Editorial Board  | 

The Challenge of Change (Vol. 58, Issue 12)

This year, along with the change of seasons from winter to spring, comes change on campus. The next issue of The Commentator marks the changing of our guard; Student Council elections will take place tomorrow; And the misfortune of the Rav’s passing necessitates a change in community leadership.

However, we should not fear change; we should welcome it. Change requires a rededication to our fundamental values and aspirations both on a communal and on an individual level. We urge future campus leaders to carry the mantle of change for the betterment of student life on campus. We hope that they will continue rectifying and refining the poor relations and relationships which have plagued our campus in the past and continue to plague it still.

And to our Rebbeim and community leaders, the Rav's passing was a watershed event. We must recommit ourselves to all that he stood for: an unyielding commitment to halacha, Torah U’madda and Religious Zionism in their fullest senses. To paraphrase Dr. Lamm’s hesped, do not distort the Rav and his teachings, but realize and act upon them. Change can be exciting; let us accept our awesome responsibility with the vigor it demands.