By: Michael Eisenberg  | 

Israeli Prime Minister Set To Visit YU In March (Vol. 58, Issue 9)

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is tentatively scheduled to address the entire student body on Thursday March 18,during the NewYork leg of his U.S. trip. The public address, provisionally slated for 11:00 AM. in Lamport Auditorium, will be followed by a 12:15 PM luncheon with members of the Board of Trustees and possibly with the  student leadership. According to sources in the Office of Development, only members of the Board and VIP’s will be at the luncheon.

Senior Vice President Rabbi Dr. Israel Miller, himself a veteran of American-Israeli politics, stressed that the appearance is not firm. “He's had dates changed in the past because the President [of the United States] could not see him at certain times.” Rabbi Miller was informed of the Rabin address on Monday morning and was asked to help arrange a student assembly with the Israeli Prime Minister. The Office of Development is proceeding as if the visit is firm.

Dean of Students Efrem Nulman recalled the visit by former Soviet refusenik Natan Scharansky several years ago, and stated, “It’s tentative, but if students are able to hear him it's fantastic, and terrific for the students and the spirit of the University." “And,” Nulman continued, “it conveys to the Israeli government that we support them.”

Chief of Security Don Sommers said that he has not had a meeting about security arrangements yet. He added, “There will be State Department officials and other officials here. We'll take care of whatever arises. It’s no problem; we have had other big names here in the past.”