The Commentator “On-Site Survey”
Do you plan to vote in the Presidential election?
Yes — 73%
No — 19%
Unsure — 7%
If yes or unsure, do you support Bush/Quayle or Dukakis/Bentsen?
Bush/Quayle — 70%
Dukakis/Bentsen — 8%
Undecided — 14%
Other — 7%
How closely have you followed the campaign?
Very closely — 32%
Somewhat closely — 52%
Not very closely 16%
Not at all — 0%
Which of the following is your primary source for information: on the campaign and the candidates’ positions on the issues?
T.V. — 33%
Radio — 5%
Daily paper — 54%
Magazine — 3%
Other — 5%
If a daily paper, which one?
New York Times — 81%
Wall Street Journal — 3%
New York Newsday — 0%
New York Post — 6%
New York Daily News 3%
USA Today 6%
(Percentages have been rounded)
This survey is a random sampling of YC students on campus conducted by Jeff Fleisher. It is not intended as a scientific survey, but merely as a candid indication of the feelings and opinions of the student body. Conducted every issue, each respondent's name is recorded solely to prevent duplication of results.