Yeshiva Students Heckle President Carter During Address At Queens Jewish Center (Vol. 46, Issue 2)
OCT. 13—A group of one hundred Yeshiva University students today showed their dissatisfaction with the present administration’s policies toward Israel. The focus of their attack was President Carter’s address this afternoon at the Forest Hills Jewish Center in Queens.
Many Yeshiva students were disturbed by Mr. Carter's persistent statement that he favors an undivided Jerusalem, while simultaneously vetoing and abstaining on key United Nations votes on the Jerusalem question.
At the Jewish Center, approximately 80 students held an anti-Carter demonstration outside the synagogue while about 20 students managed to gain entrance into the synagogue.
Scoop's Endorsement Useless
The program opened with Senator Henry Jackson of Washington, a good friend of Israel, giving Mr. Carter his endorsement. However, someone arose from his seat in the audience and shouted out, “Jerusalem is Jewish,” and “Why do you lie to us?”
Mr. Carter, his face turning red and his smile tightening, commented that, although even a minority has a right to speak up, it should listen to what he had to say. Mr. Carter’s call for peace, however, remained ignored, Although the President promised he would never abandon Israel, many in the audience were not sure of his sincerity.
The students’ confrontation with Mr. Carter was a major news story on the national television networks and in the major newspapers. The media generally portrayed them as moderate Orthodox Jews who were concerned about Mr. Carter’s ever changing Middle East policy.