By: Commentator Staff  | 

Support Of Premier Menachem Begin Is Expressed In Washington Demonstration (Vol. 46, Issue 10)

WASHINGTON, APRIL 15 — This afternoon, in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House, approximately 1,000 demonstrators met to protest the pressure put on Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin by President Carter. Among them were about 35 students from Yeshiva College and Stern College. The protestors claimed that the concessions that President Carter wished Prime Minister Begin to make would be suicidal for Israel.

American Gush Emunim

The protestors came from both Washington, D.C. and New York. The YC and SCW students traveled to Washington on a bus sponsored by the Gush Emunim Club. The rally sponsored by the Hineni Organization was begun by the leader of that group, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.

Rebbetzin Jungreis discussed the challenges and triumphs the Jews have faced in this century. She stressed the opinion that Israel belongs to the Jews through a divine gift and we, therefore, have the right to settle anywhere in it.

In US Interest

The next speaker, General Kagan, now retired after serving the U.S. in the three wars, emphasized the military aspects of the Middle East's precarious state. He noted that the Arabs are rapidly enlarging their stockpiles of arms and will have more than the entire western European community by 1985. He also noted Israel's role as America’s ally in that region, both as a stable free country in a hostile area and as a supplier of valuable and reliable intelligence.

Maury Hill, a legislative assistant to Congressman Lester Wolfe addressed the group next. He stated that the Congressman recognized the legality of Israel’s settlement in Hebron and that he (the Congressman) would relay this opinion to both Carter and Begin.

Rabbi Berman, of Lake Success, NY, delivered a closing benediction after which Shlomo Thailer spoke. Saying that “there are no Palestinian people,” he questioned the claims of the so-called Palestinians in Israeli territory and recommended that President Carter allow for the establishment of a PLO state in Plains, Georgia.

After the conclusion of the speeches the demonstrators marched around the White House seven times.

When the protest broke up, Rebbetzin Jungreis, on her way to meet Begin and Zbigniew Brezinsky, told the students from YC and SCW that Begin had seen the demonstration and had expressed pleasure over the support by American Jewry on his behalf.